“Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large.
Spread out! Think big!
Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.
You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family.”
Isaiah 54:2-3
We are really excited at what God has planned for the future of Gainsborough and know that by God’s grace we can strive to carry out the responsibility that the Lord has laid on our hearts for Hope Church.
We know that God can move mountains - so we step in expectation that He can do it again
Please could we ask you to pray for us once more in this adventure?
That Jesus continues to be the centre of our Church
That God continues to meet our needs as He has so far
That this potential New Home can enable us to reach more people for Christ
For continued unity within our Church family, keeping our hearts aligned with God’s purpose for us all
That this new building would be a beacon of Hope for everyone and that lives would be transformed.
To see the vision for this new building we need to raise £100,000, if you would like to give towards this journey you can do so by:​
Donating online through our secure Stewardship Giving page
Making a BACS payment to:
Hope Church Gainsborough
Sort code: 40-22-01
Account: 01470108
Reference: Future Fund
Sending us a Cheque, payable to Hope Church Gainsborough and posted to:
Hope Church Gainsborough
Unit 4A, The Pattern Store
Station Approach
DN21 2AU
Giving by cash, simply pop it in the collection bucket in the 'Living room' at Hope Church Gainsborough
If you are a UK Tax payer we can claim an extra 25 pence in every pound you donate all we need is for you to fill out and send us a completed Gift Aid form - download the Gift Aid form
(If you donate online you will have the opportunity to add Gift Aid)
The space
The State Cinema
The State Cinema first opened it's doors on 17 June 1940. It was everything you would expect to find with a 1930s Art-Deco period cinema building and stood out proudly amongst the small older buildings that lined Church Street at the time. A fine staircase connected the Foyer with the decadent sounding Balcony Lounge and circle seats, and the luxurious State Cafe.
The whole auditorium was built to provide an uninterrupted view of the cinema screen, with the total number of seats being 1298 (930 in the stalls, and 368 in the balcony). The opening programme proudly advertised that “throughout the whole building no trouble or expense had been spared to cater for the comfort, safety and satisfaction of the patrons” – this truly was a most modern ‘super-cinema’.