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​We believe that all we have, whether our time, talents, or treasures, ultimately comes from God.
The Bible says, "The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters" (Psalm 24:1).
Everything we have is a gift from God, from our families and friendships, to our finances, it's all from Him. Realising that everything comes from Him, we respond with gratitude and generosity. We give back to God what has been given to us.
If you are able to support the work of the church and feel prompted to do so, you can by:
Donating online through our secure Stewardship Giving page
Making a BACS payment to:
Hope Church Gainsborough
Sort code: 40-22-01
Account: 31470094
Sending us a cheque, payable to Hope Church Gainsborough and posted to:
Hope Church Gainsborough
Unit 4A, The Pattern Store
Station Approach
DN21 2AU
Giving by cash, simply pop it in the collection bucket in the 'Living room' at Hope Church Gainsborough
If you are a UK Tax payer we can claim an extra 25 pence in every pound you donate, all we need is for you to fill out and send us a completed Gift Aid form.
(If you donate online you will have the opportunity to add Gift Aid)
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